Discover the secrets of relating to men, bring out your feminine vibe - and never be alone again!
If you can’t bear the thought of any more swiping, or guys that are only talking to you in case you’ll hook-up with them...
If you're tired of feeling completely overlooked or friend-zoned by the men you're attracted to...
If you can’t keep smiling as you watch your friends get married while you’re really dying of jealousy inside...
If you're lying awake at night wondering what's wrong with you, or if you're just too broken for a man to love and be faithful to you...
And if you’re about to give up entirely and resign yourself to life alone with just cats and a bottle of wine for company...
You should know that there is hope!
It all started in October 2014. I’d just got back from a conference where I’d high hopes of meeting a fantastic guy. And I did – but he saw me as just a friend! No matter what I did, I just couldn’t break out of the friend zone.
I was just so defeated. This just kept happening to me, over and over again. I was smart, successful and yet my love life just sucked.
It hurt all the more because all I wanted was someone to love me and see me for who I am. To be my rock and safe place, to have my back, and be by my side throughout the challenges of life.
That night, I started on a journey to figure out why this just wasn’t working for me. I spent the next eight years making all the mistakes and going on all the terrible dates (my record for the shortest date ever: fifteen minutes).
Until finally, I got to where I wanted to be – I had wonderful guys attracted to me everywhere I went.
I had Soulmate Energy!
Now I want to help you so you don’t have to go through the same pain I did. I don’t want you to waste the next eight years of your life experimenting - or going on any more random Tinder dates!
So, I’ve distilled down all my knowledge to the core and I’m going to share it all with you.
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